Monday, 31 May 2010


Yesterday was our only full day at the Grand Canyon. We started it by meeting Nancy, Bill, Jim and Jennifer for breakfast at the Market Plaza Cafeteria. It is such a relief to eat at a cafeteria, we have done nothing but eat “real” meals since we arrived and even I am tired of eating! This is even a surprise to myself!

For breakfast, all I had was a bowl of cereal and coffee, and it was perfect. Then we all caught the blue route bus to go to the top of the South Rim, the plan being to walk down. This would have been a terrible mistake if we had gone through with it. But we realized the bus was going too high, so we got our at the Abyss. Jim and Jennifer did not go with us and explored the park on their own. From the sound of what they told us later that day, it sounded like they had a good day too.

Nancy, Bill, Alan and I walked down only two stops before we realized it was too hot and we were too tired. But the views were amazing and we did see one Condor in the distance – too far for Alan to get a photo.

We got back on the bus at Hopi Point – riding to the top and then back down. At this point, we were very hungry and attempted to eat at Bright Angel Lodge. This lodge is right on the rim and was built in the 30’s. It looks really cute and I wish we could have stayed around there a bit longer. Eventually, we were told to go to the bar and they might have space for us to eat. They didn’t, but boy did that air conditioning feel good!

Anyone visiting the Grand Canyon should make sure they do not miss a visit to Bright Angel Lodge!

At Market Plaza, in addition to the cafeteria, there is a deli, complete with scones! We had lunch there and it was delicious!

Crossing paths with Jim and Jennifer at this point, Alan and I realized we were the only ones not going for a nap! But we wanted to see the East Rim, we had never been there. So we caught the Green Route bus and ended up at Yaki Point. On the way, Alan and I spotted a dog-like creature, sort of coyote colored, but looking more like a German Shepherd. So I asked the bus driver if coyotes or wolves were in this area and he said both. We have seen coyotes before and this creature really did not look like a coyote. So we went to the bookstore, conveniently located at the Mather Point Visitor Centre and looked it up. It was a Mexican Wolf!! Wow! Who would have thought we would be that lucky!

Meeting up at the cafeteria for dinner, all six of us decided to do sunset at Yaki Point. Catching the Green Route bus again, with the same bus driver who was a delight to have. He seems to really enjoy his job, he commentated all the way up, singing songs and just being very pleasant. On the way up, I was watching for the wolf but never saw him, but we did see a small elk. But sitting on Yaki Point, we were able to observe 3 Condors soaring above us! They were so clear you could even see their tag numbers!

Sunset is never good until after the sun goes down and most people leave before the “show” starts. Unfortunately for Alan, the group we were with were ready to leave as soon as the sun went down. At first, Alan asked them to wait for the next bus, but for some reason, he felt under pressure and left too early. It was heartbreaking to watch the sky go such gorgeous colors while we were trapped on the bus!

Maybe it was a good thing we left a bit too early. On the way back, Nancy began to feel very unwell and she really needed to be back in her room. I hope she is ok this morning. We had planned to have some time to ourselves after the sunset to catch up on 30 years, but this was not to be. So now we will have to plan another get together as soon as possible.

The small print in my marriage license has all kind of strange clauses – such as going with Alan to sunrises when we are on vacation. We had considered my not going this morning, but I read somewhere due to all the wild life in the park, it is suggested not to go anywhere on your own, so I went this morning! Glad I did too, there were loads of mule deer munching away at their breakfast!

I must admit, the Grand Canyon is not my favourite national park, from the first time I saw it in the 70’s, I have always wanted more from it. This is my third trip here and it still does not move me the way Bryce, Zion, Mesa Verde, the Tetons, Arches, Canyonlands, and so many others do. But at least this time, I saw some interesting animals and that was very special!

                                    “Why do laundry when you can just buy new clothes?”

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