Sunday 16 May 2010

When do I have time to pack?

Whew!  What a busy weekend!  We have been working hard to get our house and garden ready for a cocktail party that my daughter asked for to celebrate her 21st birthday.  With only about 3 weeks notice and a house and garden totally neglectd due to building an extension and also 5 years of my being County Commissioner for Girlguiding Ayrshire South, not to mention normal family life!  Or what ever passes as normal when there are 4 generations living in one house!

On Friday, Whitney and I went for a spray tan!  I have never done that before and was a bit worried about it.  But it was ok, and I feel wonderfully tan now.  After living in Florida for 10 years, I do like to be a bit tan!  This should last about 7 days and with any luck, I will be in California then and can work on a tan naturally.

Saturday was very stressful, getting food and the house and the cake and the balloons and the garden furniture and myself - ready for a big party.  And it was worth it!!! We had some "older" friends ( our age) and Whitney had school friends and work friends.  The deal was cocktails and I found myself trapped in the kitchen making Pina Coladas and Tequila Sunrises, the only cocktails on the menu.  Linda and her husband made wonderful Bruschettas and Sue made a whole party's worth of wonderful food, plus what I had done.  JIm and Jennifer brought a variety of desserts. 

Sunday, doing dishes, returning glasses and being very tired.  and I did manage to start packing!

But the bad news it, the ash cloud is back and loads of airports were closed yesterday.  So we are still working around obstacle courses!  Now considering at least driving to London in case Glasgow is closed on Thursday.

So the packing MUST be finished tonight!

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