Thursday 27 May 2010

Monument Valley

This is only the end of our first week away! I cannot believe what we have done, seen and accomplished so far!  And none of us seem worse for wear (yet anyway!).

We left Cortez, Colorado this morning, after a breakfast of bagels and cream cheese!  Shiprock, New Mexico was close so we thought we would go there.  As we entered New Mexico the sign said "Entering the Navajo Nation".  And it was all Navajo from the look of it. In addition to regular family homes, they also had little round/octagonal houses around.  I was wondering if this was the sort of modern day Kiva!  Don't know who to ask about that.

Our main destination enroute to Monument Valley was to see Four Corners. This is the only place where four states meet:  Colorado, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico.  It is a National Monument.  When we got there, the gates were padlocked shut, well, actually the padlock was open but the monument was closed and security was watching so no one could go in.  The sign said it was "under construction". In addition to the 4 or 5 cars and RVs driving in and being disappointed, three motorcyclists came in.  I offered to take a photo of them together and then asked them if I could take one of them. ( this photo is really good and I will make sure I can add it another time)

We drove on to Valley of the Gods, which is a minitiature Monument Valley.  I have pictures, but the computer seems to not want to download them for this blog tonight. So I will add in photos later.

Then we went to Goosenecks State Park. We had been here two years ago and Alan just loves it!  None of the rest of us was bothered to see it again, but it was no big deal for us to go back. The only reason Alan needed to go back - he had the wrong camera lens last time!!!  I made the most of it though, there was a Navajo woman selling jewelry and I bought myself a gorgeous necklace!

We are now staying at The View in Monument Valley and they view is spectacular!  This hotel was just built and designed so that every room over looks the Mittens.  Alan took sunset photos right from our balcony. 

It seems all really nice hotels make getting on the internet difficult. The View offers free internet access, but only in the lobby and dining room. So I am sitting in the lobby, freezing while doing this. But the view out the window is magnificent so it is not all bad. 

We are going on a tour tomorrow with our very own Navajo Guide: Jerome Richards.  When he gave me his card, I was disappointed he did not have a more "Indian" sounding name. But I am really looking forward to our trip and will let you know all about it.

Until then, I will do battle with this computer and try to get some photos downloaded!

 It took 7 minutes and still the first picture would not download.  Very sorry!  I will make sure I add these in at a later date.  If not on this blog, on another one.  I might have to wait til we get to a less nice hotel though!

"Life is a journey and you have the only map"

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