This picture was taken right before Whitney and her friends left the party on Saturday night to go out!
Today feels like Monday since I went to a Patient Rights Bill Seminar yesterday. And I am still recovering from all the preparations and residue involved with Whitney's birthday party. I never had a hang over or anything like that, but I used every single serving dish in the house, or at least that is the way it feels. So there are so many things left to put away and straighten out, in addition to getting ready to leave for Los Angeles! Oh, yes, there are still loads of bedding plants to be planted too, I bought them for the pots in the garden so it would look nice, and guess what? Most of them were not planted!

So far, the British Airways strike is officially off, but now the news says there might be disruption tomorrow. That is really much too close to Thursday for me to relax about it!
The ash cloud closed airports yesterday, but it is gone now. So they say. Apparently, it all has to do with wind direction and we are not supposed to be getting the direction that brings the ash anymore. Not sure if that is going to make me relax about leaving on Thursday either.
What am I going to do tonight? It is Whitney's "real" birthday! But she has gone to lunch with a friend and won't be back til about 8 or so. Lunch???? Oh well, don't ask. They each have a child with them, a little 2 year old girl and Whitney's little 16 month old son. So it will be directly to bed for my grandson and then maybe - another birthday cake? Can you have too many birthday cakes?!?
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