Wednesday 12 May 2010

If it ain't ash, it's strikers

My husband, Jim & Jennifer and I have been planning a trip to the western United States for well over a year. We hd travelled there in 2008 with another couple and felt we had not done it right. So a very high quality return has been painstakingly and painfully planned. The four of us have met regularly at least once a month, it seems a bit over the top, but every day was planned, organized, reservations made, highways chosen, etc. "Nothing" could go wrong!

Famous last words. First came the infamous volcano ash, we live in Scotland, so we do have cars covered in a fine layer every so often. We know people who have been stuck in Istanbul, Manchester and Tenerife. We accepted this could be a risk to us. But the volcano has to stop sometime, right? It has been going on since March and airports were closed yesterday.......

Oh, did I mention we are flying British Airways? Yes, the ones going on strike two days before we fly out! We had an emergency summit meeting last night to discuss options. Looks like one option is to leave 3 days early! With a big of creativity, this won't even mess up our reservations and planned meetings with friends and family along the way. However, since we are having a big 21st birthday party in our house and garden, on Saturday, the idea of flying out Monday instead of Thursday is a bit daunting!

Watch this space to see what happens! Either way, we will have a good time, but I really wish we could just get excited about going and not have to worry about logistics and possible set backs!

At least we are not going to Fort Walton Beach this year. My Mom has a time share there and it is one of the most beautiful beaches on earth, honest! My dear niece and her family are going instead. I don't know if the oil spill will have reached that part of Florida yet, but it is another addition to the travelling obstacle courses!

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