Thursday 13 May 2010

Our overseas flight is cancelled!

Alan just phoned to let me know that British Airways has announced flights affected by the strike and our's is one of them!  However, we are now booked on the next flight, only 3 hours later.  This is not a problem since we were only going to relax by the pool or whatever when we got there anyway, that first day.

We do have to travel from Glasgow to Heathrow though and we do not know, yet, if that flight will be cancelled.  Nice of them to only announce a few each day, gives us something to look forward to!

The plans are to drive to London if necessary, but I certainly hope not!  I am supposed to be working on the Isle of Arran the day before we leave and not driving to London!

As long as we get there, we are not going to worry about getting back, the flights won't be announced anyway til a week before.  Most folks just worry about running out of time or money while travelling.  Us?  We have to wonder if we are going to get home!

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