Friday 14 May 2010

Ok so far

Today seems to be full of good news!  First of all, our British Airways flight from Glasgow to London is the only one not cancelled on Thursday! So it looks like we will make it to Los Angeles on time to achieve all our planned activities!  (something tells me it won't really be that easy, but I will remain optimistic just now)

Then, I managed to get to ASDA during lunch today.  That is not usually newsworthy, but we are hosting a cocktail party tomorrow night for my daughter, Whitney's, 21st birthday.  My Mom offered to cater it, but my friend, Linda, decided it would be "fun" for us all to cater it on our own!  Yea, good idea! Actually would be good if there were not so many other responsibilities happening in my life.  But it has been fun experimenting with recipes and planning all this FOOD. 

My problem with food though, is I continue to use American recipes. Then I get frustrated when I cannot find what anyone would consider simple ingredients.  Well, anyone living in the US anyway.  So at times like this, I wander up and down grocery store aisles, searching.....much better to do on  my own.  I did manage to locate most things on Sunday, but not everything.  Plus it is close enough to buy the fruit for my chocolate fountain!  So being on my own in ASDA is my idea of a good time!

Alan bought the chocolate fountain for me years ago, and he has never seen it being used.  Poor guy.  It really has been used, but not at home!  Guide meetings, friends' children's birthday celebrations, but not at home.  So Alan will be in for a treat tomorrow! Should I let him clean it?  That is the only downside about a chocolate fountain, so much wasted chocolate and I end up wearing lots of it while cleaning!

And the price of strawberries seems to be going down, all good news!

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